
All locations Milano Venezia Feltre

Current Past


Fausta Squatriti

Thoughts of a flat space


September 25 — December 21, 2024


Milano June 27 — September 14, 2024

Guardare negli occhi un coniglio

Aldo Sergio

Milano April 11 — June 22, 2024


Milano April 11 — June 22, 2024


Flaminia Veronesi

Milano January 26 — March 23, 2024

Tiger Tateishi

Milano October 03 — November 25, 2023

Five Years

Milano April 12 — June 24, 2023

Stanislao Lepri

Milano February 14 — April 01, 2023


Milano September 30 — December 23, 2022

Pietro Consagra. Immagini Vaganti

Curated by Paola Nicolin

Milano April 02 — June 25, 2022

Leonor Fini. Italian Fury

As dreamed by Francesco Vezzoli

Milano December 14 — February 26, 2022

Remo Bianco / Raymond Hains

Milano September 08 — October 23, 2021

Instant Warhol

A selection of photographs and polaroids by Andy Warhol

Milano May 15 — July 10, 2021

From print to song. Baldessari Sings LeWitt

Curated by Paola Nicolin

Milano September 25 — February 06, 2021

Casa Iolas

Citofonare Vezzoli

Milano September 27 — November 23, 2019

Rodolfo Aricò / Anna Castelli Ferrieri. L'amore per il progetto

Curated by Paola Nicolin

Milano April 03 — June 15, 2019

Soft Power

Rosso - Morandi - Ziegler

Milano February 05 — March 23, 2019

Jean Dubuffet

Between music and painting

Milano September 18 — November 30, 2018

Twombly e Tancredi

Homage to Cardazzo

Galleria Tommaso Calabro
Corso Italia 47
20122 Milan (Italy)

+39 0249696387
